Community Clubs

Powassan is fortunate to have many volunteers who make up the community’s clubs and organizations. These invaluable people allow the residents of the municipality to participate in everything from annual festivals to weekly social events. These groups also give residents wishing to donate their time an opportunity to volunteer. Many organizations host events throughout the year as well. 

Listed below are the active organizations and clubs of the Municipality.


Royal Canadian Legion Branch 453

The Powassan Royal Canadian Legion Hall is available for rentals (Weddings, Anniversary Parties, Seminars, Meetings) and is equipped with wheelchair access and acessible washrooms. Please call 705-724-2235 for more information on rentals. 

Please call the Municipal Office 705-724-2813 for more information regarding the Legion's designation as a Community Emergency Reception Centre.


The Golden Sunshine Club

The Golden Sunshine Club meets on the 1st Monday at 1:00 pm of each month at 250 Clark. Membership is open to persons 50 years and plus, new members are always welcome! Euchre every Monday at 1:00pm; Line Dancing- Tuesday and Thursdays 9:00am - 10:00am; Low Impact Exercise Class Tuesday and Thursdays 10:00am - 11:00am.


Powassan Lions Club

The Powassan Lions support many local organizations such as minor hockey, figure skating, and the municipal pool/playground at the end of Edward Street. For more information please contact 705-724-5689.


Trout Creek Lions Club

The Trout Creek Lions hosts a craft show in November, a $1,000 Bingo for the Trout Creek Winter Carnival, a Quilt Auction every other May and fundraising Toll Roads twice a year. They also participate in local bike rodeos, the Adopt-a-Highway Program, and the General Community Welfare Program and maintain the Trout Creek Lions Tennis/Basketball courts at the Community Centre. Recently the Trout Creek Lions created a parkette on land provided by the Municipality for the town to enjoy. They also built and placed garbage containers for the community's use. For more information please call 705-723-5793.


Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is delivered every Wednesday to the elderly and shut-ins in the Municipality and area. The organization has been making life easier for many residents for over 24 years. Please call Leslie Price at 705-724-6028 at East Parry Sound Community Support Services (through Eastholme - Home for the Aged).


Powassan Agricultural Society

Established in 1895, they host an annual fall fair on the Labour Day weekend. For more information follow them on Facebook, visit their website or email them at


Trout Creek Agricultural Society

The Trout Creek Agricultural Society holds their annual Fall Fair the second last weekend in August at the Trout Creek Community Centre and promotes the benefits of agriculture. For more information please email


Scouts Canada

Scouts Canada is the country’s leading co-ed youth organization, offering programming for children and youth aged 5-26.   Through a variety of fun experiences, outdoor adventures and contributions to their community, Scouts builds resilience and skills that set them up for life.  For further information, please contact Matthew Larivee at or (705) 840-8598 or visit


Girl Guides of Canada

Girls Guides Canada offers programs that promote service in the community, outdoor activities, camping, crafts, games, personal development, leadership, life skills, and other fun activities. You can contact the Powassan Girl Guides by calling 705-724-2811 or emailing


Trout Creek Friendship Club

Trout Creek Friendship Club meet regularly for social and fun events at the Senior Hall at 215 Morrison Street in Trout Creek. For more information email


Powassan and Area Figure Skating Club

The Powassan and Area Figure Skating Club offers a wide range of programming for its participants. Some of the programs include Learn to Skate, CanSkate, CanSkate Plus, and intermediate skating. For more information email


THE EDGE Youth Group

St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 120 Memorial Park Drive in Powassan for grades 6, 7, 8 held every Monday evening from the LAST Monday of September to mid-April, 6:50 PM to 8:30 PM. NO charge. No pre-registration required. Contact Pauline at 705-724-5964 for more information.


CLAY - Youth Group

St. Gregory's School, 152 Fairview Lane in Powassan. Youth Group for Kindergarden to Grade 6. During the months of September to May. Thursdays from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. School Gym. No charge, no pre-registration required.


TOPS ON#1338 Powassan (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)

Tuesday's at 4:30 at the Powassan Library.
Call Donna at 705-724 5791 for more information.

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The Municipality of Powassan
250 Clark Street PO Box 250 Powassan, ON P0H 1Z0 | Phone: 705-724-2813 | Fax: 705-724-5533 |

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